Welcome, Dear Reader!

I’m a 38 year old, on-and-off software engineer, husband, and father of two kids - a boy and a girl.

This blog is my platform to write about my thoughts, travels, experiences and sometimes - personal finances. I enjoy sharing my knowledge and personal experiences in excruciating detail so people in similar settings get a deep, complete picture of my process.

During my late 20s, I voraciously read early-retirement blogs like Mr Money Mustache and learned that frugal living combined with aggressive investing - especially for a software developer drawing a US salary - can quickly get you to achieve financial independence where salaried work becomes optional. This was life changing advice to me - someone that wished to be working for reasons beyond needing a paycheck, and being able to afford to take extended periods of time off work if I so wished.

I don’t quite identify with the modern conventional ideas around work and life, consumerism and consumption. I’ve long realized that cars, clothes, gadgets and gizmos don’t make me any happier than I already am. I however do enjoy books, music, writing, exploring restaurants and pubs, hiking, running and the great outdoors. Settling down for a good read with some coffee, wine or a beer is my idea of luxurious indulgance.

I prefer interaction with my readers in public, so leaving comments on my posts is what I prefer the most. But if you’d like to write to me privately, feel free to email me.

Welcome to my virtual home!

Email - nitin.n.puranik@gmail.com
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I write about my travels, experiences, personal finances and ocassionally indulge in contemplation and self-reflection.


I write about my travels, experiences, personal finances and ocassionally indulge in contemplation and self-reflection.